Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Addendum email (with some cuts) from Arnold Wesker

22 November 2008

Dear Jane

Thank you for inviting me to Alan's memorial. I owe him a great deal, not
simply for guiding me to The Roundhouse but, as theatre critic of The
Statesman (and elsewhere) for his early support of my writing. It's not
merely that he admired it but that he did so with uncanny perception. I
remember thinking that's how I would have reviewed them myself!!!

You had a very good crowd there though I missed other critics, were they
there? And you assembled music that really recreated the times. I can
remember lustily singing The International on my (communist) mother's knee
as it were. Not sure how I feel about it now. Mixed emotions, like many,
I guess.

Anyway, Alan must have left a huge hole in your life which I hope is being
filled as he would have wanted.

Thanks again, till Hay perhaps - before I sell it.

Warm wishes



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